My Walk

I've been trying to walk 2 miles everyday, but it's really averaged out to about 3-4 times a week. (crappy weather) Our road is closed one mile out, probably til the end of the summer and I'm lovin' it - cuz it's really like living in the country now. Hardly any traffic , so no excuse not to get my butt moving! Duke is my walking partner, I had to include his picture to show you how he walks sideways. Bart calls him a sidewinder. I walk to the top of this hill and about another quarter mile on the straightaway. One mile 1 way. The pic is the way back.
We woke up to some bad news yesterday. There was an ambulance at our neighbors at 6 am.Our neighbor Rod was to leave for a 9 day fishing trip yesterday, but instead a trip to the hospital. What we've heard so far is a brain aneurysm - he's awake but paralyzed on his left side.
They will have to do surgery asap, but his blood pressure was too high yet. He's a super nice man and we hope all turns out well for him today. Please include him in your prayers. *I always tease Bart that Rods his BFF - they spend so much time together.
1 Response
  1. Kay Says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with your neighbor. We all know I'm not too religious but I pray most every night and talk to my Mom & Dad. Good thoughts going your direction! And great job on the walking! It really does more than you can imagine! See you guys next weekend??????