Tagged from Lori

8 Favorite T.V. Shows
1- the office
2- the hills
3- survivor
4- dancing with the stars
5- lost
6- er
7- american idol
8- the biggest loser (sometimes)

8 Things I did yesterday
1- worked
2- shopped
3- bought Papa Murphys for supper
4- talked to my mom
5- watched survivor
6- wrapped presents
7- ordered prints for clients
8- packaged prints for clients

8 Favorite Restaurants
1- Carlos Okelleys
2- mis amigos
3- applebees
4- taco john - really!
5- Texas roadhouse
6- Village Inn
7- Papa Murphys
8- okay- fast food anything

8 things I am looking forward to
1- Seeing all the grandkids together
2- Winter being over (yeah, already)
3- American Idol
4- Bart finishing the stairs
5- Cole and Ashleys wedding
6- The Odneal Christmas -one more week
7- watching my family open presents
8- seeing the girls play at the high school

8 things on my wish list
1- safe travel for friends and family
2- a good christmas
3- a new computer
4- a new camera
5- sleep better at night
6- win powerball
7- have all my housework done
8- all my bills paid

Yup, kept some of Lori's answers too!
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