Chatty Kathy

Louie wanted to know if I'm holding a Chatty Kathy doll in yesterdays post. Yup it is. With a little trim on the hair maybe! I remember Laurie Delagardelle and I got one at the same time (thru dads station?). But here's a pic I found and if anyone is interested BE INTERESTED DARN IT, here is  more info. ChattyKathy   I was too old for the marcia brady voice but maybe you had that one Kay?.
1 Response
  1. Kay Says:

    Nope I didn't have a Marcia Brady voice doll but I really think I did have a Chatty Kathy doll. The picture of yours sure looks familiar to me anyways. Maybe I didn't. Oh that's right-I didn't have ANY toys when I was little right my brothers? Just kidding. They think I was spoiled or something!