A Mailbox?

Well, Bart gave me my 1st good laugh for today!  A little backstory - The snowplows go by our road at least 10 times a day since we live on an ambulance route. They have completely snowed in our mailbox. It's now a little black box in an igloo and the mailman won't deliver mail cuz he would have to get out of his vehicle. Bart has tried to dig it out, but the snow (and ice) is packed solid. Did I mention they plow about 10 times a day? So today when I get home he presents me with this tin he has rigged up to plop in the front of our real mailbox.  I told him I was putting this picture on my blog and now he's worried everyone will want one. Get your orders in now!
4 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    I totally know what you mean. My family lives in a rural town on a major highway, it is one of the only ways to get in and out of town, so they get plowed all the time. My dad took a hint from a friend because the plows hit the mailboxes and destroy them - not that they mean too, sometimes.

    Anyways, the mailbox he built actually swung around on the post. So when the snowplow came, the mailbox would just swing around. Of course getting it plowed in is a little more difficult, our was pretty high up.

    Reading your story made me laugh. People in the city don't seem to enjoy the snow, people in my hometown would be snowmobiling to work!

    Happy Winter!


  2. I'll take 10! Your so ingenious dad! McGyver for sure.

  3. Lolo Says:

    I can see where my Bart gets it from. We both got a kick out of this. Good work:)

  4. That is fantastic! Who knew that you could get more use out of those tins other than eating the popcorn out of them. Kudos to you.