
So no-one questioned the size of that snapping turtle? I only made it about 4 sizes bigger than it really was! I don't think even Rick would have been so close to one really that size..... and did you notice the missing fingers?? I might have to give out prizes to the most observant. (HA HA Rick just told me that the guys at work were asking him "HOW BIG WAS THAT TURTLE?" And they didn't believe him when he said about 20 lbs. He didn't catch on either.)
1 Response
  1. Kay Says:

    Okay it is still a huge turtle! And I always believe that Rick is capable of catching anything. So yes I thought it was that big. But I did laugh when I knew that it escaped a couple of times from his truck. Too funny! And you shouldn't do that to me you know. I'm known to be a bit gullible.