A Beautiful Mom to Be!

Ashley is only half way there! I was teasing her, it looks like she might have more than one in there. She goes for an ultrasound on Weds. and I think it's safe to say the Odneals are hoping for a girl!?! But it doesn't really matter - - - a little Cole, can you imagine?!
(on a side note - I think I've finished my blogging for the month Dad!)
4 Responses
  1. Kay Says:

    I'm not hoping for a sex either way. Just way excited for the grandbaby. Boy or Girl I am way excited. Either way this Grandma will be excited to the moon. Cannot wait for the ultrasound Wednesday!

  2. Kay Says:

    Geez do you think I said "excited" enough in that comment????? LOL

  3. Tracy Says:

    I am "excited" for you Kay. Ashley looks amazing, very nice pictures Sharon.

  4. Team Odneal Says:

    Awwwww, she makes such a beautiful pregnant lady!!! :)