View from our bedroom

Our blinds are almost always closed - so this is  a rare view. Bart is refinishing all of the windowsills in the house - only one more bedroom to go. They are very shiny! But that's not what the picture is for - IT's the Crappy snow - Let's hope this is the last round. We had such a nice week. Yesterday sitting outside on the porch, tonight in front of the fire. I guess there are worse places to be
2 Responses
  1. Kay Says:

    Love the picture. You are so creative. Yes the snow sucks. But it is spring tomorrow and it won't stick around long. Summer is coming. Remember you guys are welcome at our houseboat ANY weekend. Just let us know! Did you show Bart the Bday post? Hope he liked it.

  2. Unknown Says:

    ha! 67 and sunny here yesterday :-)