lil swimmers

A Picture for their mom who is probably having withdrawals. These are the best kids in the world! In fact it's 8:20 and they're already in bed and well on their way to sleeping. No fuss at all.Nathan even said it's 8 oclock. Time for bed.  Nater and I went to the movie Wall-E, it was okay - not great and he had to sit in my lap cuz the chair kept folding up on him. Nora stayed with Gpa and he took her on the porch in her pack n play and they had a long talk. She likes to jabber alot. So Brittney I hope you're having fun with your free weekend. We are, but I  forgot how tiring this is and just might go to bed myself.
1 Response
  1. I am so glad that you wrote!!! I do miss them. I am glad that they are being good for you, I was worried about that. To funny about putting themselves to bed. We miss them so much. Thanks for keeping them! We love you guys!