A Stolen -stolen Tag

I got this from Amandas blog. And I really needed an idea for today so I took the challenge! ;) Here's the tag:
1) Grab the nearest book
2) Turn to page 123
3) Find and post the 5th sentence
Here's mine
"Rain waved and walked away again."
Not too exciting. The book is The Wednesday Letters, and I've just started it but so far it is a about a couple who die the same night - she has a heart attack and he has a brain tumor. hmmmm - depressing. But supposedly he writes a letter to his wife every Wednesday - so it must be romantic too.
I don't think Bart has EVER written me a letter much less once a week. The closest we get is grocery lists or Gone Fishing notes. I'll let you know if it's worth reading but it is a new york times bestseller.
1 Response
  1. How goes the book? Worth reading?