
So, Did anyone watch Persuasion with me??? At their own home? If you did and hadn't read the book or seen any other adaptions, you were probably very confused. They cut so much out and
jumped around so much that even I was thinking HUH? The actress playing Anne ( the heroine)
was not pretty and she could have washed her hair when she knew her long lost love was in the neighborhood, cuz Captain Wentworth was quite hunky ! Overall pretty dreary - was expecting too much I guess. Here are pics of the main characters.
Weather here is turning cold! and windy. The cap on our fireplace blew off today but it's too icy
to get on the roof to put it back. Hopefully the house won't burn down without it!
1 Response
  1. Lolo Says:

    Sorry, I missed it. I don't think I have the same channel, but I did want to tell you that I love these books too!
    Your pics are so good on the blog, by the way. I have a lot of fun checking it because you are so good at posting faithfully.